Earwig Control

Although they are not poisonous and do not spread diseases, they can be somewhat intimidating looking, and startling to encounter. Earwigs generally prefer wet areas which are cool and undisturbed and they can become a serious garden pest if conditions are correct. As long as there is enough ground cover, wet soil, and food for these insects, they will do very well. While it is a myth that earwigs crawl into the ears of sleeping humans, burrow into brains, and lay eggs, they can be a nuisance inside homes. These creatures don’t bite people, but they can pinch with the pincers on their abdomen. These pincers can be used by earwigs for self-defense, but against humans, they are not much of a threat. Earwigs are not likely to pinch humans, and even if they do, it is unlikely that it will break the skin.

Be aware that earwigs live in the ground and that they may have come into contact with harmful bacteria. If you come into contact with one, and you have an open wound, you may be exposed to that bacteria. If this happens, make sure to apply some kind of antibacterial ointment and cover the wound. Although earwigs are mostly harmless to humans and to human belongings, they can be an indication of bigger problems. The presence of earwigs may be an indication of water damage in the structure of your home. When rain gutters are blocked or broken, water can run down the outside and create wood rot. Pests and rodents love wood rot because rotting wood is easy to chew through.


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