Black Widow Spider Control

Black widow spiders are a species of venomous spider and do pose a danger to people. A bite from one of these spiders can cause serious health consequences; However, the good news is that black widow spider bites very rarely lead to long-term complications or death. It is also important to understand that black widow spiders are shy and non-aggressive spiders and will typically only bite a person when they feel threatened or are directly handled. When a person is bitten by a black widow, the venom affects their nervous system, causing symptoms that can include cramping of the back and stomach, tremors, fever, and labored breathing. These symptoms typically diminish within a few days. If you are ever bitten by a black widow spider, it is important to seek medical attention immediately.

Black widow spiders are attracted to properties that provide places to create their webs. These webs can usually be found between flat rocks, in wood piles, near foundations, and inside barns, garages, sheds, and other outbuildings. Female black widow spiders rarely leave their nests and often create a small funnel in their webs to hide in when they feel threatened. While these spiders are typically found living outside, it is quite common for them to make their way inside while foraging for food. Once inside, black widow spiders can often be found hiding in places like closets, attics, crawl spaces, and underneath furniture.


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