10 Interesting Facts About Wasps

Wasps might be useful. They can consume dead insects and flies. But they are also an annoyance. Wasps can sting, and if you are allergic, please seek immediate medical attention. Signs of an allergic reaction are giddiness, nausea, unusual swelling or extreme pain following a sting.

Our Texas weather makes it a welcoming environment for wasps. If you find wasp nests in your property, don’t mess with it. Please contact your local Ephlora office and request a service from one of our trained technicians.

Here are some facts about wasps:

  1. The sting of a wasp contains pheromones that cause other wasps to become more defensive and aggressive;
  2. A wasp stings should wear off within 24 hours;
  3. An ordinary sting can be treated with an aluminum based deodorant;
  4. Wasps live in colonies;
  5. A male wasp is a drone;
  6. Wasps don’t swarm;
  7. European wasps can cause damages to trees and shrubs;
  8. Wasps feed their young insect larvae;
  9. The only wasps that survive the winter are young fertilized queens;
  10. In late summer, wasp colonies produce males and new queens.

Ephlora Pest Solutions can help help you control the wasp population around your home.

Removing a wasp nest can be dangerous. Doing so on your own can be risky. Wasps become aggressive when defending their nests. Let our technicians help you with that. They will be able to help you find nests and destroy them. Contact your local Ephlora office for assistance.

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